Discover how a jury feels about your case before you even step into the courtroom!
Dear Friend,
How will a jury respond to your narrative, witnesses, and exhibits? You’ll find out in trial, but then it may be too late to improve your presentation.
Focus Groups offer you a way to get into the heads of your potential jury pool and discover how they think and feel, and whether they’ll be friendly or hostile to your case.
A series of properly run Focus Groups lets you break your case into its essential components, discover the strengths and weaknesses of each, and craft a stronger storyline to win the hearts and minds of the jury.
If you have an important case and want to give yourself the winning edge you need to prevail, contact me.
We’ll discuss your case and how my firm can help.
Call me today: 510-245-2468.
Very Truly Yours,
Leigh E. Johnson
Attorney at Law
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”
~ Sun Tzu, The Art of War ~
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide lawyers and law firms with invaluable and objective insights into how a case may present to a potential jury. We are skilled at successfully crafting powerful blueprints for a winning courtroom presentation. Through our broad range of experience and successful outcomes, we have learned what works and what doesn’t work when conducting Focus Groups. We are unsurpassed at conducting Focus Groups in a way that provides meaningful experiences which result in optimal trial preparation. We provide important and valuable feedback on your case narratives, witnesses and exhibits. We’ll discover both the strengths and weaknesses of your case before you ever step into the courtroom.
Contact us for more information.
Focus Groups and Trial Preparation
Preparing for trial is an arduous process. It can require hours of developing a compelling storyline, interviewing key witnesses, preparing exhibits, and providing expert testimony. However, the best prepared case can completely unravel if it has not been properly tested before a potential jury pool. Understanding and connecting with your jury is essential to any successful trial strategy. If you simply conduct mock trials, focusing only on jury demographics you are doing your firm and your client a great disservice. Leigh Johnson has learned under the tutelage of legendary Trial Lawyer, Gerry Spence, who has an innate ability to bring a compassionate voice into the courtroom. He created an art form of giving life to stories in a voice that would resonate with the jury. Helping you to capture those elements of the case that may potentially turn a jury for or against you, is what our firm is uniquely qualified to do. Ms. Johnson has created a process for successfully implementing these skills time and time again. Her recommendations for connecting with a jury, developing an effective storyline through Focus Groups, and her intellectual ability to apply these concepts to any type of case, have resulted in some of the best possible outcomes at trial.